Wild at Heart Ball 2014 moves closer to a world without heart disease or stroke

Imagine a world without heart disease or stroke. Many say this is unattainable, considering heart disease kills more people than the next four leading causes of death combined in this country. But this vision – for a world free of heart disease and stroke – drives the lifesaving mission of the American Heart Association each and every day. The Wild at Heart Ball Program held at Embassy Suites, La Vista, campaigned for a very important cause and relies heavily on those donations.
The generosity of those in attendance enabled the American Heart Association to continue their work of funding groundbreaking research, developing guidelines to improve patient care and helping people lower their risk factors for heart disease and stroke. As long as heart disease continues to be the nation’s number one cause of death, the importance of our work will only grow.
Our son had a very large hole in his heart with a condition known as atrial septal defect. We are very blessed that the doctors and nurses successfully repaired his condition and believe in paying it forward to a very important cause.
Here is a link if you feel in your heart a donation for a worthy cause: donate.heart.org/site/c.fmJUKcOZJkI8G/b.8077571/k.6133/Donate_to_American_Heart_Association/apps/ka/sd/donorcustom.asp